George Pal produced and directed The Time Machine, based on H.G. Wells’ novel of the same name. The screenplay takes many liberties with Wells’ original novel, but then when has that ever been a problem for Hollywood? Pal’s other well-known movies include The War of the Worlds (1953), Houdini (1953) and Conquest of Space (1955). Pal had been an animator for most of his career, and his best movies carry his stamp of thrilling, larger-than-life story telling, with dynamic music and vivid, eye-popping color. However, with The Time Machine, Pal created more than just an action sci-fi movie. An important contributing factor is the music. I have always believed that the musical score can make or break a movie, and part of the credit for the feel of this movie must include composer Russell Garcia, who set the stage for the Victorian age with lilting, Irish-sounding music of great sentimentality, and was also responsible for creating an electrifying, frightening score during the action sequences. Cinematographer Paul Vogel brought the screen to dazzling life, and the make-up artist William Tuttle, working on George Pal’s own design, helped to create one of the most famous monster tribes in sci-fi history, the dreaded Morlocks. The Time Machine was awarded one Oscar, for its special effects, considered groundbreaking for its time.
The story is that of H. George Wells (sound familiar?), played by one of my favorites, Rod Taylor. (Pal originally wanted Paul Scofield for the part of George, a role that doesn’t seem to be at all suitable for the great British stage actor. I believe that Rod Taylor, with his young and vigorous talent and singular mannerisms, better fit the bill.) George is an inventor, a dreamer, unhappy with the world he lives in. He is preoccupied with the concept of time, and his house is filled with the most beautiful clocks you’ll ever see. George has invited a group of his friends to dinner, mostly practical businessmen, one a doctor who has little sense of humor (played by Sebastian Cabot in a wonderful harrumphing, stolid British manner), none of whom are the dreamer type, and one who is always happily soused. Then there is one of my most beloved best friend characters, a Scot named David Filby, played sweetly by Alan Young. (Sad to say, Alan Young is best remembered for his role in the TV series Mr. Ed as the owner of a talking horse.) George has not arrived for his own dinner, and his faithful housekeeper, Mrs. Watchett (Doris Lloyd) announces that George left instructions to serve dinner if he was detained. The men settle comfortably at the dining room table, when suddenly George appears in the doorway, disheveled, wounded, exhausted. He sits down and asks for food and wine. His friend, the pleasant drunk, pours a large glass of wine with shaking hands and unintentionally drinks it himself. Then George begins to tell his story.
George is exhilarated with the success, but even after having seen with their own eyes, his friends refuse to believe it could have happened. They leave in a group, thanking George for an interesting evening. George, angry and dismayed at their reaction, strides to his desk to write a note. Then David peeks around at him from one of the large chairs in front of the fire. “I thought I should stay,” he says. He tells George he is worried about him and wants to help. He learns that George is not interested in going into the past, but into the future. “I don’t much like the time I was born in,” George says. He thanks David for his concern, but says he would rather be alone.
As soon as David leaves, George goes to his laboratory. The door opens, the music swells and there is the full-size time machine. What an exciting moment. The machine is absolutely stunning in every way. It is just like the miniature, incredibly crafted with brass engravings, velvet seat and gorgeous colors, a real thing of beauty. The camera follows George around the machine, accompanied with haunting music, so that the audience can see its exquisite nature. The machine was designed by MGM art director Bill Ferrari, with George Pal’s direction that since he had loved his sled as a child, he wanted it to be sled-like. George climbs onto the seat, pulls the handle and begins his voyage into the future
His journey is fascinating. He stops at different points in time, is able to see what becomes of his home and his friend, watches his city grow and sees its destruction and much more. The techniques used to show the passage of time, both slow and fast, are very clever. One involved a lit candle that burns down, showing the passage of time. Although it sounds like a simple scene, it took 5 days to shoot to get the right effect. One of the most memorable is a store mannequin that George can see from his lab window. As time passes, the lady mannequin’s clothes change, going from chaste Victorian to modern short skirts and bathing suits. George feels a kinship with the mannequin because, like himself inside the time machine, she never ages. Cataclysmic events begin to occur, and George finally has to speed his way through time at a blurring rate. He stops in the year 802701. There he finds a world that looks wonderfully evolved. Young beautiful people called the Eloi play and swim and somehow are fed without any work. (The word “eloi” means “My God” in Aramaic.) George notices that there are no old people, and also that the Eloi are strangely ignorant, uninterested in what goes on around them, and careless of life itself. Yvette Mimieux, only age 17, plays Weena, a young girl who does find interest in this strange man who has appeared from nowhere. Soon, George is to learn the true nature of the Eloi and the meaning of the strange Sphinx in the middle of the forest when he is made aware of the horror in that seemingly lovely world, another group that lives underground, the Morlocks.

That is as much of the story as you need to whet your appetite. I did not describe many of the exciting events of George’s journey so as to avoid spoiling everything for those who have not seen it. I would love to tell the ending because it is one of my favorite movie endings, but I am restraining myself. Suffice it to say that The Time Machine does not disappoint. As an interesting note, George Pal kept the miniature time machine in his home until it was destroyed by a fire. The larger model was found years later in a thrift shop in California, covered with dust and in pieces. However, the lucky finder bought and restored it. What I wouldn’t give to have that beautiful thing – it would be the admittedly unusual centerpiece of my living room!
George Pal hoped to make a sequel to the movie, and Rod Taylor was interested as well, but MGM rejected the idea. Perhaps that is just as well. This movie is unique and its reputation would likely only be tainted by what might have been the usual inadequate sequel. I remember seeing a showing of The Time Machine on TV around 1995 that was hosted by Rod Taylor. He was of course 35 years older than when he played George, and with a wistful grin he said “It’s very strange to see myself so young as I find myself becoming more aged.” He loved being part of The Time Machine, and with good reason. It’s a damn good movie. (Well, if Rhett Butler can say damn, I guess I can too!)
Beck, I just loved your review and pictures on the movie " The Time Machine" I thought Rod Taylor, Alan Young and Yvette Mimieux all did an awesome job. The special effects in this film were amazing, especially for a movie made in 1960! My favorite part of the film was when Rod Taylor's character was sitting in the "time machine" watching time passing by.
ReplyDeleteBecky, a great review of a great film! I really like this movie, and I think the special effects still look good today. When I was younger, the Morlocks frightened me to death, and quite frankly, they still do. But it's much more than its effects and creepy Morlocks. It's a solid, wholly entertaining film. The 2002 redux with Guy Pearce had good effects and make-up, too, but it was a vacuous feature and not nearly as good. I would love the Time Machine in my living room, too! It would look beautiful and would be perfect for those times when my DVR isn't working properly or if my milk has gone bad.
ReplyDeleteBeck, this is a fantastic review! I like this movie a lot. You are right about it being different than H. G.'s book. I love his books by the way. This does have good effects and the story is interesting. I like Rod Taylor in the lead role too. It's a good thing a time machine doesn't really exist. Just think of all the problems that could create. The photos are great. Haven't seen the film in a while so now I will have to hunt it up...unless it got taken by Rod's character on one of his trips...
ReplyDeleteThis a very entertaining review of a very entertaining film, Becky. I first saw it when it was re-released theatrically in the early 1970s. Although the Morlocks are a lot of fun and Yvette is cute (but too tall!), my favorite part of THE TIME MACHINE is the opening in Victorian London. Alan Young is in fine form and it's a shame he didn't get better roles in movies. I always enjoy his performances and, hey, it's not easy to play straight man to a talking horse.
ReplyDeleteDawn, Sark, Aki and Rick, thanks for your kind remarks about my article. I wouldn't mind having a time machine myself -- I would go back to 1960 and look up that handsome Rod Taylor in his prime!
ReplyDeleteBecky, you have truly written an exquisite review of a wonderful classic! I love the story of both the book and the film. Rod Taylor is perfect in the lead role and I was really glad that you brought attention to the often underutilized Alan Young for his solid performance. I enjoyed your descriptive prose throughout your writing tonight. Extraordinary work, Becky. Wow!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great review Becky! You wrote it so personally and interestingly - with so much enthusiasm - and fascinating "extras" (like the fate of the miniature and life-size time machines). Your love for this movie really comes through. This is one of those films I first saw as a kid...and I remember the excitement of seeing it that first time. I think THE TIME MACHINE and THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN must've been released around the same time - I remember them as must-see movies among my friends. Great choice and great write-up.
ReplyDeleteToto and Eve, what lovely compliments. Thank you so much. It was really fun to write mostly because I just love the movie! I feel like George -- I don't much like the time I was born in. Maybe that's why it speaks to me.
ReplyDeleteTerrific write-up Becky, of one of my favorite films. There was an episode from "The Big Bang Theory" where Leonard bids online for a replica of the Time Machine, assuming its a table-top version. He wins, and to his horror it's a full-scale mock-up. When Leonard first sits in the Time Machine and pushes the lever forward, his roommate and friends rush around the room in fast motion. It's hilarious. Someone who wrote that episode was obviously a big fan of the movie. I think the episode appeared in the show's first season.
ReplyDeleteKevin, that IS hilarious! I can see the friends running around the machine. I wish I had seen that show! I would have loved it!
ReplyDeleteHello again...about Yvette lovely she was - but I didn't know she was that young when she made the movie. Did you know that she was married to Stanley Donen for many years? I always remember her for THE TIME MACHINE and a Dr. Kildare episode called "Tyger, Tyger."
ReplyDeleteEve, I used to be in love with Dr. Kildare. He was so handsome in his white scrubs. I never had a doctor that looked like that! I probably saw that episode, but don't remember it. Oh, and remember "Ben Casey" with Vince Edwards. He was more rugged and beefy. I remember Sam Jaffe in that show at the beginning writing the symbols on the blackboard for man, woman, birth, death and infinity. I can remember that, but I have no idea how to figure algebra!
ReplyDeleteI had an eye for Dr. Kildare, too...Ben Casey, not so much. In the "Tyger, Tyger" episode, Yvette played a beautiful surfer that Dr. Kildare falls in love with. Very sad ending. The title was from that William Blake poem - Tyger, tyger burning bright...The episode might be on YouTube or Hulu or...
ReplyDeletei get the impression that you liked this movie..great blog from the heart..GEORGE PAL could do no wrong in his day..although not "high art", THE TIME MACHINE is a very well made movie that can be seen and enjoyed many times!!!